Mobile 365 (overall app) - Artwork Examples

App Icon Examples (found with the app in the stores & on the home screen of your device)

cafp app icon.png hcpa app icon.png nasdtec app icon.png


Android Feature Graphic Examples (found with the app listing the Google Play Store on some Android devices) 

cafp feature graphic.png

nasdtec feature graphic.png

hcpa feature graphic.png


Splash Screen Examples (appears on the device screen while the app is loading/opening) 

cafp splash page.png nasdtec splash page.png 72341ff2bbc2b21389d23a62d3ca143f.png


Home Screen Logo Examples (appears at the top of the main menu of the app above the main menu icons where users access all the 365 level app content)

cafp home screen logo.png

nasdtec home screen logo.png

hcpa home screen logo.png



Home Screen Logo Examples (appears at the top of the main menu of the specific event within the app above the main menu icons where users access all the event content)

vistas home screen logo.png

aos home screen logo.png

tml home screen logo.png

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