Within the Schedule module in the CMS you can generate Check-In/Out Codes for all sessions on the schedule by clicking the “Generate Check-In/Out Codes” option located within the Action button.
You also have the ability to generate the codes on an individual session basis. When you are on the edit screen for a particular session there is a ‘Generate Code’ link for both the Check In Code field and the Check Out Code field.
If you generate the codes for all sessions and then decide there are sessions you do not want check-in/out codes for you can edit the session individually and delete the codes from the applicable fields.
For each session there is also a field for a speaker’s email address. By filling this field in you can send the speaker the check-in/out codes for that specific session.
To send the check-in/out codes to the speakers via the CMS, within the Schedule module click the Action button and select “Send Check-In/Out Code email to Speakers”.
If speakers have the check-in/out codes ahead of time they can include these codes in their session presentations.
*Users can check into a session up to 5 minutes before the session begins (as per the session start time on the app). Users can check out of a session up to 5 minutes after the session ends (as per the session end time on the app).
You are not required to have a check out code for sessions. If you only want/need attendees to check in at the session, you would simply leave the check out code field blank.