The “Map It” button within the Venues module allows a user to see a pinpointed location on a map of where that specific venue is located. In order for the “Map It” button to appear, you must enter in the specific latitude and longitude of each venue into the CMS.
To find the latitude and longitude of the location take the following steps:
1. In Google Maps search the location you want.
2. Once the pinpoint appears on the Google Map right click on the pin point.
3. From the menu that appears when you right click choose "What's Here". A small box will appear on the screen that has the address as well as the latitude & longitude numbers.
4. Copy those numbers into the Latitude and Longitude fields in the CMS. The first number displayed is the Latitude and the second number displayed (the negative number) is the Longitude.
5. Click Save.
The Map It button will then appear in the app for that location via the Venues icon.