If your app has a login and you are not presetting passwords for your app users they will need to follow the below steps to set their password to access the app.
If you choose to send out login information directly from the TripBuilder CMS, your users will receive an email from "support@tripbuildermedia.com" with their pre-assigned username and a URL link to set their password. It will look like this:
Username: info@tripbuildermedia.com
Password: Click here to set your password
Your users will follow the URL to set their password. Once done, they will navigate to the login screen of your app and use their assigned username and the password they have set to log in.
If you are sending login information directly from your own system your users can set their password directly via the login screen.
Please instruct users to navigate to the login screen of your app and click "Reset Password." They will then enter their email address and receive a link from "support@tripbuildermedia.com" to set their password. Once done, they will return to the login screen and use their assigned username and the password they have set to log in.