How to Use Check-In/Out via Code – Users Perspective

Within the schedule on the app there will be a Check In icon on the session detail screen (the icon is a key). When a user taps the Check In icon on a session they get a popup to enter the session specific check in code.

Once the user has entered the correct 4 digit code & click Submit they receive a popup saying they successfully checked in.

Once a user has checked into a session the icon changes to Check Out on their app. At the time the session ends (and up to 5 minutes after a session ends) they can enter the 4 digit Check Out code.

If a user tries to check out of a session before the send ends they will receive a pop up alerting them they cannot check out yet.

Users can view all the sessions they have checked in/out of via their MyCheckIns list (located within the MyEvent portion of the event). This list will contain the session title, session date and time slot, the date and time in which they checked into the session as well as the date and time in which they checked out of the session.

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