

TripBuilder Media’s Matchmaking functionality allows Members to filter the Member List and find Members of interest.  You as the event organizer have the option to select up to 3 custom fields which users will select from via their MyProfile entry.

Once you have decided on the criteria fields (up to 3) within the Members module in the CMS, click the ‘Matchmaking’ option in Actions. The fields labeled “Name of Matchmaking Field 1, 2, 3” will be the names of your 3 matchmaking criteria (example: Region, State, Level).

Once you have filled in the 3 criteria fields you will then fill in the drop down entries for each criteria. These will be the categories within each criteria (example: The criteria is Region, so the drop down entries will be: Northeast, Mid Atlantic, Southeast, Southwest, Midwest, Northwest, West). The categories will be what Members choose from when filling out their MyProfile.

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